My family's history

David Halldin born April 13, 1903 Death 13 May 1981 in Canada
David was the third child in the mother's siblings. It tells of David that he had as a child was very lively and imaginative. He agreed that all children 6 years at elementary school with every two day's reading. When he was 12 and left school had his job as a farmhand with different farmers. It suited him badly, but something else was not. After military service he joined a preparatory year course in Linköping to get into education as a school teacher. But there were many applicants, so he did not enter. Then was born probably thought of emigrating to Canada. In 1925, David was then 22 years, he bought a ticket on the American boat in Götborg. He was the first of three siblings who emigrated to Canada. Several other young boys in the district followed suit .. The first few years he worked on a farm in southern Alberta. And In northern Alberta, shared government out soil. We signed up and paid $ 10 so I is a 150 acre new ground .. It was completely desolate, no roads. Here was a small river, the Smoky River. They built log home. David's houses are still standing as a museum and is popularly known Bull Shet place. I was there in 1978 and my brother Lasse lived over there a few nights in the summer 1969th Soon, many emigrants and there was a Nordic setelment. There were plenty of Indians and the government gave them their own park, the Sturge Lake.
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David participated in the 2nd World War 1940-45. When the war was over he came home 14 days at Christmas 1946th He was dressed in Army uniforms. David had been with the invationen and throughout the war as a signaller.

Brev från David i Malmo Canad 1925